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It is rightly said that you never get a second chance to cast a good first impression. For some reasons humans are hardwired to hold on to first impressions and it is therefore important to know the requisites of it.

  • Looks Matter: It may not sound fair but is actually a fact that people make assumptions about you based on how you look. So dressing well and being properly groomed is very important. Take out time for yourself and take pride in your appearance. Dress according to your body type and pay special attention to personal care.
  • Improve your body language: Body language is what is subconsciously noticed by people to form an impression about you. Things like slumped shoulders and bad posture convey a bad impression. Develop self-confidence, stand tall, and walk with purpose to be taken seriously.
  • Cultivate a confident handshake: The way you shake your hands with someone is really important in projecting your personality. A firm yet measured handshake makes you a confident person and a limp-fish handshake gives the impression that you have no confidence and are not interested in meeting that person.
  • Project warmth: This is another aspect of your body language. A warm smile and good eye contact make you more confident and welcoming to talk to.
  • Verbal Communication: Apart from looks and body language, the first 15-20 words that you speak, create a definite impression. A person with a good sense of humour and one having quick wit creates a lasting impression.
  • Be a good listener: Ultimately, how much attention you pay to others and how you make them feel determines the lasting impression that you create about you in their minds. Attentive and active listening to others makes the other person feel valued and appreciated and forms a great impression about you.