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Looking good for longer is a heartfelt desire not just for women but also for men. Some easy things hen incorporated into your daily life will help you achieve just that.

  1. Take care of your skin: Take good care of your skin. Basic cleansing and moisturizing should be done twice a day. Drink lots of water and use sun protection daily to make your skin look younger and even toned.
  2. Get enough sleep: Getting at least seven to eight hours of sleep is very important for enhancing the way you look. Inadequate sleep results in under eye bags and gives way to other health consequences that make you look older.
  3. Eat really well: Do not just eat healthy meals but incorporate certain proven anti-ageing foods like green tea, fatty fish, flaxseeds, avocados, tomatoes, vegetables, dark chocolate, bone broth and pomegranates to your diet. Also, cut down on sugar and aerated drinks.
  4. Enjoy Exercise: Do not exercise to tolerate it but do it to enjoy it. Activities like cycling, dance, and swimming will not only keep you entertained but also delay ageing. Exercise releases endorphins in the body that leave you feeling happy and positive.
  5. Improve your dressing style: Dressing according to your body type and according to your age will make you look sharp yet relaxed.
  6. Quit Smoking: According to a study in America, smoking can damage up to 40% of men’s sperm count and make them look dull and aged. Kick those cigarettes now to look younger for longer.
  7. Stay stress-free: Apart from a healthy lifestyle, a stress-free environment goes a really long way in making you look younger than your age. Practice meditation, surround yourself with friends and dear ones and think positive for looking younger.